• Creator
  • #39400

      I just got back from the cottage, and painted a body or two while I was there.

      The first was a flat black Fly truck with a tobacco livery. A crappy colour with an undesirable livery is great excuse to paint it.

      Taking it apart was interesting. At least the weather was nice.

      Then I painted a few HO bodies. Between the truck and the HO cars, I went through three cans of clear-coat and ran out before I finished painting. Three bodies still need clear-coat. Practise is good.

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    • Author
      • #39408

        Wow great job on the jps truck. Where did you get the decals?

        Those Ho cars look like a flower bouquet 😉


      • #39409

        Excellent work Ken!

        The Happy Canadian Scale Modeler!

      • #39410

          Thank you very kindly, gentlemen. Painting cars is lots of fun and quite relaxing once you find a groove.

          Bill. The tobacco decals are now dissolved in Super Clean. I am going with a “Mountain Dew” livery on the candy lime green.

          Big thing on the TV news today about tobacco companies. They used to advertise things like “Cigarettes are good for you. They help you lose weight”. Or… “Be in style like a movie star and have a cigarette”. Or “Smoking reduces stress”. The conclusion was tobacco causes cancer. It was also stated that all the tobacco companies are completely ready to go into receivership before the company owners need to give up their Ferrari’s. They have apparently been ready for receivership for many years.

        • #39411

            Forget about the painting, just look at that scenery in the background!   Hope you had a relaxing time up north.



          • #39412

              Thank you very kindly Gary. It always nice to unplug and chill once in a while.

              Here’s a pic I took the day I did most of the painting. It’s around noon by the time I took the shot and there was no wind all day. The lake water was smooth as glass. The temperature was around 17 degrees. The bugs were too cold and lazy, and could not make it up the 10′ foot distance to the back porch. I had to take one pic of that perfect painting day.

            • #39540

              • #39587

                  Lol. Good one MiA! That sure made me laugh. 🙂

                • #39592

                  Beaucoup de Bouquet, tres bien mon ami!!

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