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    • Race To Line vs. Race To Laps & Rotate On Time Some of you remember the days of SRO and SS32 when many hosts used SRM, a DOS based timing system. The advantage was that you could take an old DOS based piece of sh*t and give it renewed purpose. Each host used their own preferred timing method with this software. One method (and the best one in my opinion) allowed everyone to race for a set amount of laps in every lane and the total time to complete their laps would be used to determine the race finish order with the fastest (lowest) time winning. This worked well enough with the one huge drawback that no heat was finished until the last car ran its total number of laps. You didn't need power shut off for this timing method and you could make the timing hardware yourself. Other hosts used the old school timing method whereby every racer would start at the same point on the track (usually the start/finish line) and then race with the others for a set amount of time in each heat, rotating into another lane from the point at which they stopped, or out, or in, depending on rotation order. After power for the final heat switched off you would look at the screen to see the total laps run by every racer and ties would need to be manually recorded based on finishing track position, with the car finishing more of the lap placing higher. Often the track would be divided into 1/10ths to make tracking finish position easier. Several drawbacks existed when using this method: the racers were often spread out and on longer tracks there was little passing or excitement, cheating was possible when rotating your car (especially after sitting out a while) and the results often needed to be tabulated manually. Then came along SlotTrak which allowed an additional timing method of 'race to line' along with refueling. (To Be Continued)

      Started by: AvatarArthur in: SlotTrak Timing Software

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    • 4 years ago


    • SlotTrak version 12.32 Gents, In my opinion the best timing software is SlotTrak Pro. The current version is 12.32 and those of you with version 11.xx will need to pay $15 U.S. to upgrade, otherwise a fresh install is $75 U.S. . You will need to receive your registration key from them in order to run the software for more than a few laps... I recommend that you install the software on your computer first and test it before payment/key request. SlotTrak Commercial can control individual lane power and is designed for those that sell time. SlotTrak Software Every track in our rotation (but for The Lake) runs SlotTrak (either 11.xx or 12.xx). One of the benefits of this is that several of us can assist whenever an issue arises. I would urge each of you to read the manual SlotTrak Manual after installation. SlotTrak works seamlessly with Trackmate hardware which can be purchased at Trackmate Racing. Most in our group use the Trackmate for windows module, power relay module, driver stations, track call buttons and at least the DC Power Supply 3020 (30v, 20A). Cheers! Art B-)

      Started by: AvatarArthur in: SlotTrak Timing Software

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    • 8 years ago


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